Being Present

Being present and feeling life as I move through each moment of each day is allowing me to live in joy to its fullest and fills my heart with gratitude. I’m becoming more and more aware of how precious (and fleeting) life is. Connecting with nature, sharing in healthy relationships, being good to myself, and the abundance of blessings mysteriously making their way into my life affirms to me that God wants us to know happiness. He wants us to know and feel what is in his heart. If we focus on the “now”, there are so many ways we can feel God’s presence.

However you choose to pass your time, I hope you savor it; these moments truly are a gift from God.



Dedicated to my grandfather with love and gratitude.

Sharon – Embracing My Joy

Spiritual Growth – An Inside Job

As my spiritual journey continues, my experience of love and compassion is, in fact, growing. I naturally began reaching outward to share joy and love along the way; however, I’ve come to realize that self-love is equally if not more important. How we treat others is a direct reflection of how we treat ourselves.

Tuning into my own heart enables me to open my heart to others and this allows all the goodness of what God offers us into my own life. Whatever we put out into the universe always finds its way back to us.

It’s an amazing gift to be had every day if only we take the time to tap into it and accept it as truth.

Sharon – Embracing My Joy